(By the Broadcast Center News Team)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Two time world champion fitness model Laurie Dickson is telling the story of her life.
Dickson will be the subject of an biographical novel to be released next year.
Dickson says she's happy to be apart of this exciting project.
"When he started to hear my biography and my background, he really was interested in that aspect of it, in the making of a champion," Dickson says. "Because it was relatable to a lot of people in the public, that it was a single woman and how did I do it and what was my focus and what was my goal."
The local athlete says she originally set out to write a fitness book, but the publisher was hooked on her back story.
"In 2013 will be the release of my bio as an athlete, its called The Making of a Champion," Dickson says. "As a single parent and a single mother, I've gone through a lot in my life and to put everything aside and focus on something for a long term benefit has been where I've been."
The book, Making of a Champion, will be written by Reading Eagle Publishing.
The biography is due out in bookstores in 2013.