Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jeff's Jabs - Cruel and Unusual

My latest article, Jeff's Jabs: Cruel and Unusual, is now up on GameNTrain. Here's a taste of what you can expect --

Most games, there is a clear goal in mind. Save the princess, destroy evil, stop the evil supercomputer from taking over the planet, you usually have some clear cut goal on what you have to accomplish to complete the game.

Typically, your path to the end of your quest keeps you on the straight and narrow. Not once will you break some sort of law or fall out of favour with the powers that be, unless of course you are fighting against the powers that be. In which case, its a different story.

But sometimes, the main goal of the game pales in comparison to what that game allows you to do. Sometimes, there are no limits to what the player can do in the game world, leading to some… unfortunate circumstances.

And the funny thing about this is the game typically rewards you for it.

To view the full article, follow the link provided here -

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